Adams County Commissioners Diane Ward, Ty Pell and Barbara Moore, contracts approved, broadband discussed

Adams County Commissioners Diane Ward, Ty Pell and Barbara Moore, contracts approved, broadband discussed

The Board of Adams County Commissioners met in regular session on March 14, 2022, at the Government Center with the following members present: Diane Ward and Ty Pell. Barbara Moore was absent. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Pell and opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Pastor Richard Owens. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Randalyn Worley and Juvenile Court Clerk Christy Kirker were present for the session.

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the minutes. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to approve the bills for payment. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the transfers. Vote: All aye.

The following reports were submitted to the board for their review: Dog and Kennel Activities Report for weeks ending March 4 and 11, 2022; Adams County Veteran Services Monthly Report- February 2022.

In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code the commissioners had previously requested the Scott Township Trustees to submit their opinion regarding the petition submitted for the partial vacation of Virginia Road, T-421, Scott Township. The Trustees Request Form was received which noted the Scott Township Trustees are in favor of the proposed partial vacation.

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to set the date and time of March 28, 2022 11:30 a.m. for the preliminary viewing and April 4, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. as the public hearing for partial vacation of Virginia Road, T-421, Scott Township as petitioned by John McCormick and others. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to authorize the Notice of Project Commencement for the Alexander Salamon Airport AIP Project 3-39-0112-012-2021 effective March 7, 2022 and to authorize Commissioner Ward to sign documents on behalf of the county. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to accept the resignation of Minnie Potts as a janitor effective March 9, 2022 as presented by Maintenance Supervisor Jason Hayslip. The board would like to thank Minnie for a job well done and wish her the best in her new position. Vote: All aye.

Job and Family Services Director Angela Richmond met with the board to discuss the following issues: Personnel-Darnell; Family and Children First Council-Communication with school district and Health Department collaboration for administration; Adams County Developmental Disabilities lease agreement; Adams County Senior Citizens Non-Emergency Transportation Agreement Amendment; CSEA IV-D agreements; Discipline hearing rescheduled.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to approve a lease agreement between the Adams County Board of Commissioners through the Adams County Department of Job and Family Services and Adams County Developmental Disabilities for office space lease for the term of April 1, 2022 through June 1, 2022 as recommended by Director Angela Richmond. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to approve an amendment to a contract between Adams County Job and Family Services and Adams County Senior Citizens for Non-Emergency Transportation and increase the amount $150,000 for a total contract of $450,000 as recommended by Director Angela Richmond. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to approve the promotion of Melissa Darnell as an Eligibility Referral Supervisor II at the Adams County Job and Family Services effective March 14, 2022 as recommended by Director Angela Richmond. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to approve a contract by the Adams County Board of Commissioners through Adams County Child Support Enforcement Agency and Adams County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division for magistrate services pertaining to CSEA-IV-D contract as submitted by Director Angela Richmond. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to approve a contract by the Adams County Board of Commissioners through Adams County Child Support Enforcement Agency and Adams County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division for clerk of court filing services pertaining to CSEA-IV-D contract as submitted by Director Angela Richmond. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to approve a contract by the Adams County Board of Commissioners through Adams County Child Support Enforcement Agency and Adams County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for services pertaining to CSEA-IV-D contract as submitted by Director Angela Richmond. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to approve a contract by Adams County Board of Commissioner through Adams County Child Support Enforcement Agency and Adams County Courts for clerk of courts filing services pertaining to CSEA-IV-D contract as submitted by Director Angela Richmond. Vote: All aye.

The board met with EMS Chief Peggy McCleese and Assistant Chief Adam Dozier to discuss the following issues: EMS EPA Violation-Will submit documentation to Federal EPA for authorization; Stryker delay on shipment- Issue with receiving parts; Advance of settlement on taxes due to reduction to certified budget; Personnel-Lambert, Carnes

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the employment of Taylor Lambert and Tyler Carnes as part-time EMT Basics with Adams County Emergency Medical Services effective March 14, 2022 as recommended by EMS Chief Peggy McCleese. Vote: All aye.

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to approve an advance of funds from the first half tax settlement of taxes collected in the amount of $150,000 as requested by Adams County EMS Chief Peggy McCleese. Vote: All aye.

At 10:30 a.m. a public hearing was held for the Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) with ECD Director Holly Johnson. An application will be submitted in June 2022 for $300,000 in funding.

ECD Director Holly Johnson met with the board to discuss the following issues: Courthouse Window Replacement Project Phase III; Waterline projects: Winchester extension, easements; Mt Zion Road, requests for water service; Airport- R & R Tooling-New business opening April 1, 2022; Annex roof estimate-Remove and replace six layers of roofing; project will be advertised for bid.

It was moved By Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to enter into executive session at 10:51 a.m. with Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Randalyn Worley to discuss Purchase or Sale of Property in accordance with ORC 121.22 (G) (2). Vote: All aye. Commissioner Pell reconvened the session at 11 a.m.

At 11 a.m. two bids were received for the Adams County Various Roads Paving Project and they read as follows: #1. Brown County Construction Co., LLC $947,363; #2. Brown County Asphalt, Inc. $952,938. Those present for the bid opening were: Matt Lee, Brown County Construction Co, LLC; Dwayne Sawyers, Brown County Asphalt, Inc.

A teleconference was held with Marilyn Reid to discuss broadband coverage in Adams County. The Board of Commissioners has committed $250,000 in American Rescue Plan funding and Spectrum Mid-America, LLC has committed $9 million towards residential broadband expansion through “Last Mile” projects. Discussion also included the FCC Rural Broadband Auctions to support unserved areas.

Health Commissioner Dr. William Hablitzel met with the board to discuss the 2021 Health Assessment with substance abuse and mental health the largest issues affecting our county. Dr. Hablitzel discussed the Child Fatality Review Committee that reviews statistics of the previous year to strategize and implement changes to reduce fatalities in children. A proposal was made for the Board of Commissioners to appoint the Adams County Health Commissioner to establish a Hybrid Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee and Suicide Fatality Review Committee as authorized under Section 307.6410 of the Ohio Revised Code to review statistics and acquire a better understanding of the circumstances surrounding the fatal drug overdoses and fatal suicides in Adams County and to develop effective prevention strategies.

Also discussed were grants that were being applied for and healthcare concerns in the jail. Due to more complex diagnosis of inmates, a Certified Nurse Practitioner could potentially eliminate costly hospital visits and allow for more inmates to be treated on site. The availability of a staff Nurse Practitioner could also service the Wilson Children’s Home further eliminating costs. Funding could be sourced from the settlement for the National Opioid Settlement with funding expected to arrive in June 2022. Dr. Hablitzel is asking for additional funding the hire a Nurse Practitioner for staff in the jail facility.

Maintenance Supervisor Jason Hayslip met with the board to discuss the following issues: Personnel- janitorial staffing; Courthouse clocks update- wi-fi clocks to be ordered, technical survey on clocktower; HVAC System- Red system 2 compressors out; Annex Roof replacement estimate.

Sherry Larson, The People’s Defender, met with the board for discussion on the Adams County Training Center. The board stated the building was purchased with funding through an agreement with Dayton Power and Light Company closures of the J.M. Stuart and Killen Power Plants of focused on training purposes. There was no tax-payer funding used for the project and grant funding will be sourced for additional equipment necessary. Commissioner Pell stated the Training Center will be an opportunity to train workforce for higher paying employment through available certification programs. Commissioner Ward stated the Training Center will offer the workforce to be able to stay in Adams County and can offer training opportunities specifically focused to new businesses locating into Adams County including interest into the Winchester Industrial Park. The Adams County Training Center will be available to all age groups and income brackets and will offer certifications in healthcare, CNC tooling, welding, and IT, along with rolling modules that could align with specific needs of industry. There will also be a food service counter that will be available to the public.

Also discussed was Courthouse updates that include interior painting and Phase I ceiling tile replacement; sidewalks; Phase III window replacement; Clock replacement and Clocktower fabrication and updates; Exterior doors replacement; Exterior power washing and Annex conference room floor resurfacing.

The Adams County Airport Board met with the Commissioners to discuss grants, projects and lawn care equipment for the Salamon Airport and included the following: Mowing- The need for an industrial mower with flexibility to maneuver around the airport lighting and runway equipment. Estimates from four businesses were sourced and the Airport Authority members asked for sponsor approval for use of grant funding for the purchase. The tractor will also be returned to the Airport for bush hogging purposes; Obsolete Equipment-Obsolete damaged chairs, tables and equipment stored in a building at the airport that needs to be cleared; Insurance Claim- Claim through CORSA for lightening damage to the REIL lightening system. Payment has been received on the claim and replacement of REIL system will be included in Airport renovations; Board Appointments- Member absences causing a potential conflict with quorum. Refer to by-laws for requirements on attendance; Expansion of Airport- Updates to ACIP for possibility of acreage expansion to allow for aircraft parking.

It was moved by Diane Ward and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the disposal of damaged obsolete chairs and equipment located in storage at the Adams County Airport in accordance with ORC 307.12 (I). Vote: All aye.

The bids received for the Adams County Paving Project were turned over to County Engineer Lee Pertuset to be reviewed.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to enter into executive session at 2:00 p.m. with Attorney Matthew Teetor (via teleconference), Prosecuting Attorney David Kelley and Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Randalyn Worley to discuss Pending Court Action-Village of West Union vs. Adams County Commissioners in accordance with ORC 121.22 (G) (1). Vote: All aye. Commissioner Pell reconvened the session at 2:27 p.m.

It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Diane Ward to adjourn.